Question: Where is the happiest place in New York City?

Possible answers:

  1. Immediately adjacent to any hot dog stand.
  2. Madison Square Garden during moments of Linsanity.
  3. Tim Tebow’s new apartment building.

No really though, let’s measure some stuff.

Facts: (1) New York City is the most populous city in the US and (2) Manhattan streets are arranged on a rectangular grid. We have already seen how cities, airports, and even streets can be identified using geotagged tweets – here we use more than a half million messages from 2011 to investigate the happiness of NYC streets and avenues (clearly visible in the image below, as is Central Park).

Binning tweets by avenue and street, we use the labMT word list to measure happiness in tweets as a function of avenue and street number:

The results suggest that the west side is slightly happier than the east side, and that happiness actually declines as one moves further uptown. Next we bin by intersection and plot a heat map showing the distribution of happiness over all of the street corners in Manhattan:

The happiest “corner” is actually just inside the western edge of Central Park, where the intersection of 7th and 77th would be (this is just north of the lake and east of the Hayden Planetarium)*. This corner elicits tweets with a relatively high abundance of the positive words “loves” and “sky”, and proportionally less negative words like “not”, “fear” and “no”. Many of the happiest locations actually fall within Central Park!

* Please note that the results reported in this post have not been vetted through panels of experts, statistical tests of significance, or scientific peer review.  They are intended to be a fun and lighthearted exploration of our more formal research interests.


Filed under psychology, social phenomena

154 responses to “Question: Where is the happiest place in New York City?

  1. I knew it had to be Central Park!

  2. Hysterical. Creative. Chock full o’ awesome.

    Now if you overlay a map of hot dog stands with your heat map, would this corroborate your non-vetted analysis? Just curious…


  3. I’ve been to NYC a few times, and I have to say that, as much fun as I have when I’m there, my favourite, most peaceful, and happiest place is Central Park…so I’m not surprised by these results! 🙂

    Really interesting study!

  4. Totally fascinating. However, it doesn’t surprise me that Central Park would be the happiest place in the city.

    Congrats on Freshly Pressed. That should make you happy. Think you can map that?


  5. I am so glad you included that disclaimer. You would hate to be sued! Hahaha! Such interesting data!
    Congrats on being Freshly Pressed!

  6. Maybe downtown is so much happier because that’s where all the tourists tend to be. I always see smiling faces when I’m out for lunch but I can still identify the stone face of a real New Yorker.

  7. Interesting and topical stuff. Would like to see more research like this as not enough consideration is taken by the powers that be into how much our cities affect us. Its more than most people think.

  8. Amy

    Neat – how fascinating!! Thanks for sharing your work.

  9. Regardless of scientific methods, this was facsinating and I’m sure many would agree with the results !

  10. jveazue

    Reblogged this on JANINEVEAZUE.

  11. Actually, I can see that–now that I think of it, I always feel pretty happy and contented at that corner!

    But I also have to vote strongly for Hudson River Park. Especially in the nicer weather when you can sit on the grass and look at the water–well, that feeling is just indescribable…

  12. Claire Cappetta

    I agree with Irene, I like Central Park but sometimes in the summer it’s too much and tourists seem to forget where Hudson River Park is! ; )

  13. Thanks for sharing this! Happy is wherever I’m with my family!

  14. Those first three made me laugh out loud. I am in a library so I am actually a little peeved. 😉 good stuff

  15. I find it interesting that that cluster area where people w/ Twitter accounts post “happy” terms [granting the obvious geo-positional displacement-inaccuracies] may correspond to where Belvedere Castle is. It is next to Turtle Pond which is a very relaxing place.
    I also find it even MORE interesting that your raw data shows that the entire lower Manhattan area may significantly make people “tweet” “happy” terms as compared to a uniformly “bleak” upper area.
    Lastly, I thought the northern zero-signal/zero-data area may reflect the Jackie-O reservoir; that area may correspond to the North Meadow Rec area – maybe people there are too busy playing rather than “twittering”! ;P

  16. I have been back twice in the the last two years. After commuting for ten in the 80’s. My perspective is new and nostalgic all at once. I sat at the entrance to the Park, at 77th – with my 85 year old Dad on an early Spring Day. I was very happy. There is nothing better than revisiting the hot dog stands, and eating the patented “dirt water dog” that I did-“Thrice”. This made me very happy. This last trip I power walked from a hotel on 53rd and Ave. of the Americas, down to Grand Central via Park Ave. It was a brisk Fall day, after a freak snow storm on Halloween Eve., a chance street fair engulfed the entire walk; the sites, smells. I was very happy

  17. I love this. Would like to see other cities/places be measured.

  18. Delightful post, completely unique.

  19. An interesting way to answer an interesting question. I love it just like i love new york.

  20. Meatpacking is definitely the happiest place in nyc 🙂

  21. Willem Visser

    Nice work! I like the way you visualize your findings.

  22. Very interesting.
    I visited NY last september and like anyone tha visits that place I want to live there.

    Check out my blog if you get a chance some beautiful travel accomodations

    Exquisite W Hotel in New York

  23. Determining Progress

    Interesting idea. It is good to see innovation come from the many users of the internet. Good job.

  24. debonaircats

    Reblogged this on Debonair coping.

  25. I agree, Central Park is awesomeness wrapped up in a neat little piece of land… any where and every where you go in the “park” you can find love, happiness and joy on display… pretty much any time of year. Love the lighthearted view point 🙂

  26. Very interesting research! Great work!:-)

  27. It sounds like around the area of the park where rock formations you can climb on, take you close to the lake. There is a gazebo for weddings, and an inclined lawn that you can sit and watch the rowers, or listen to musicians who see it as a mini ampitheater.

    First thought was that it might be Strawberry Fields, but that is 72nd. Close enough 😉

    Great charts!!

  28. I love your analysis, and would like to know how you got all that data and how you broke it down to make your conclusions.

  29. Pingback: Question: Where is the happiest place in New York City? | onehappybird « Friends of Dieppe Park

  30. I love New York, I’m always happy there. I’d have to say wherever a good bar is, thats where I’m happy.

  31. Very clever! Was just in NY last week. Stayed in Columbus Circle at The Mandarin. Definitely did lots of happy tweets from the Lobby Lounge. 🙂

  32. FUN article, I wonder how many engagements have happened on that exact spot!!

  33. Some folks like to get away
    Take a holiday from the neighbourhood
    Hop a flight to Miami Beach
    Or to Hollywood
    But I’m taking a Greyhound
    On the Hudson River Line
    I’m in a New York state of mind

  34. Rai

    1. My bedroom.


  35. Native New Yorker here who will never tire of Central Park (and who appreciates this post immensely!).

  36. surprised it’s not the high line…

  37. I don’t know how you studied this, but the question you are raising about how to use Twitter to track emotional qualities (is it a word? a phrase? how can you determine irony?) is provocative. Bravo, loved the visuals.

  38. i knew it, it had to be the central park.. i think i’m gonna tweet “I’M HAPPY” too if i was at the park..

  39. I’d love a world-map of happiness based on geo-tagged Twitter posts!

  40. scintillatebrightly

    Fun post. I’m curious to know how you defined “happy” posts. You mentioned sky and the word happy, and negative posts as well with not etc. but what about posts like “I’m happy because its not raining” or “Gee that guy that just ran over my foot really made me happy!!!”

    I’d love to see a genuine study done about it sometime. Would be so interesting.

    And does it really come as a surprise to anyone that being closer to nature and out of the concrete jungle makes people happy?

  41. Vistirna

    I too guessed it to be Central Park, but, like someone has already mentioned, that’s the place to find all kinds of tourists. Given that they are on vacation, and given that the second biggest ‘industry’ in NYC is tourism, this result is in line with expectations.

  42. Reblogged this on ben * ben and commented:
    light and scary

  43. I’m not surprised by that. Although I can enjoy the buzz and bustle of a city, enduring happiness for me is almost always influenced by natural surroundings.

    Very interesting though. And it’s a fun post. 🙂

  44. I got to go to NYC USA, I loved it and the people were wonderful. I was happy, they were happy, we were all happy. This blog made me happy. Cheers

  45. Raaj Trambadia

    Lol …I love the entire New York 😀 The city that never sleeps and doesn’t let me sleep to 😛 Cheers to NYC !!

    Please check out my latest post –

  46. I have tweeted from that corner of Central Park, and I know I am happy, so your analysis must be spot on !

  47. First kind of it, I have never seen such a delightful blog here.

  48. Pingback: Question: Where is the happiest place in New York City? « echoculture

  49. I’m guessing you have know way of knowing the age, ethnicity, or gender of your tweepies….but I really like your unscientific blog post and charts. Keep up the good work!

  50. New York City is ALWAYS my happy place! Guess that’s why I blog about it…glad I’m in great company! Congrats on showing up on Freshly Pressed-much deserved!

  51. I’ve been to New York City twice, for overnighters, stayed at the youth hostel, and both times I spent my day in Central Park. So restful. I could actually hear myself think.

  52. Ellen K

    Great post! I visited NY last September for the first time. I was happy the minute I arrived. Awesome city and loved the whole lot. How could you not be happy in a city that has MOMA, the Planetarium, the Highline, Madison Avenue, and Saks 5th Avenue shoe department! I especially loved Central Park and I spent some very happy days there just wandering 🙂 As a native Sydney-sider (Australia) I’d love to see a happiness comparison! Even though I probably shouldn’t say it, I think NY might win although Sydney is pretty awesome too!

  53. blackshepherd

    I think I may have been in that “corner” a couple of years ago for the Simon and Garfunkel show…with them present and I was so “happy” that sang along on the chorus of “America” from the last row of the bleachers where I snuck in without paying and somehow did not get thrown out of have my bicycle stolen. If you listen to the recording of the song by Paula Cole and Shawn Colvin you will hear the third voice…and I was sober…completely…it was just the “happiness” factor…now I know what it was. I came in on a bus from Boston with my bike and ended up having to kill time till 6am so I hung out in the Village in that little Italian cafe that says they have the oldest espresso machine in NYC…it looks it. But the amount of trash on the street and the way street musicains were being harrassed by the Police put a big dampner on the experience and I couldn’t wait to get out of town. The cafe closed at 3am so I just wandered around and thank God I was able to find a little weed and smoked with two of the hassled musicians…still, there is much I love about NYC…the street scenes of course…but I prefer the pace of Boston and it is much cleaner here…and that matters to me…alot…it was a fun piece and a really creative way to put your observations to good use…the people of NYC…top shelf…of course! Peace!

  54. My first thought was also Central Park. Or maybe Balthazar, after some Bouillabaisse and a nice Cote du Rhone…

  55. timbutts

    Very interesting stuff. I work in NYC (around a fairly happy zone, according to your research – around 23rd and 5th). I would also be interested in seeing a heat map of just the number of tweets in different locations, and seeing if there is a correlation or not.

  56. I’ve only spent two days in New York City, and I definitely enjoyed Central Park the most.

  57. Sad to say… I’ve been to New York City 5 times in my life and I’ve never been to Central Park. But! I do plan to go there this summer or maybe near the end of summer 😉

  58. Spinster

    Gonna re-blog this. Love my hometown.

  59. goach

    Or perhaps those of us uptown or in the far west and far east avenues actually live in the city because we are so happily in love with it but as residents we don’t feel the need to tweet about it?

  60. Reblogged this on julianhartrealestate and commented:
    Happiness is a place.

  61. poliadic

    Impressive! I’m wondering if one could set this up for real time analysis to view the happy “hot-spots”?

  62. giggloki

    This is pretty fascinating. Nicely done. 🙂

  63. I was Google-ing Central Park yesterday (I live downunder). My Uncle lived in E 65th St many years ago (family tree stuff). Now, thanks to your post, I’ll Google the Happy Place (or as near as I can get); your topic is really interesting, good fun, and (but?) raises all sorts of questions. Bruce

  64. transplantednorth

    as a native New Yorker, NYC is always where I am happiest. West side is always more down to earth and therefore happier than the up-tight upper east side, but my happiest NYC moments are when I’m at the Met. The art museum, that is.

  65. khanyasi

    Been to newyork once and I really loved central park full of life I just loved it have very few places in the world lively

  66. interesting research! I wonder where it would be in other cities of the world..

  67. As a native New Yorker, I confirm your research. That is one of the best feeling areas in the city. It’s where I’d head if I was feeling kind of blue or needed a dose of the natural world. Thanks for sharing.

  68. I haven’t been to NYC since I was a kid. My husband and I talk often about going… thanks for the perspective 🙂 Congrats on being freshly pressed.

  69. Reblogged this on psychologicalhorrors and commented:
    The best tid-bit of info I’ve seen on the net in a while.

  70. Thanks for this very informative post.
    I have been to New York last August and
    I will be coming back, for sure.

  71. The disclaimer was hillarious! But very much needed. I often thougth people in new york where generally unhappy! But as it turns out… I just needed to hang out in central park! WHO KNEW!?

  72. love it! I wonder if people “uptown” are less happy – or just too cool to tweet any expressions of happiness? Just a thought!

  73. Scarlett

    This is awesome! What a surprise that the happiest location wasn’t Lincoln Tunnel or the GW…ha.

  74. Reblogged this on GOTTA BLOG IT! and commented:
    wow i just realized that happiest place can be measured.

  75. tom

    Cool stuff. Could you do the same thing for other places/cities on earth?

  76. CW

    Damn, I thought for sure the answer would have been the Bronx

  77. I’m curious – how is the avenues vs happiness graph arranged? Do lower numbers correspond to lower avenues, e.g. the east side, or does it go from west at 0 on the x-axis to east as x increases in a positive fashion? Because the statement is made “the west side is happier than the east” but if the avenue graph correlates low numbers to low avenues, e.g. 2 = 2nd avenue, this contradicts the aforementioned statement.

    otherwise, being an NYC resident, i love seeing this. And who wouldn’t have guessed: CP is such a great place!

  78. Jamie Dedes

    Fabulous! Clever!
    Thank you.

  79. Jamie Dedes

    Reblogged this on BROOKLYN MEMORIES and commented:
    Can you guess the answer? Do you know in your heart of hearts? Check out this very clever post … Enjoy!

  80. Tim Tebow’s new apartment building.

  81. AniToddSmith

    Central Park is a great place to be. As far as NYC is concerned, it’s just a great place to be and I am ALWAYS happy to be there when I come to visit.

    Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed!

  82. When Tebow moves into a place on or near that corner, its happiness rating will shoot through the roof.

  83. I has been 2 time in NYC and i love it

  84. New York City is such a great place to be, each borough, each neighborhood contributes it own “thing,” gives its own offering which is why no matter where you are there, it is the best place to be. This is why there are so many strong opinions about which borough/neighborhood is better. In staying with your fun and lighthearted topic, we find Central Park to be one of the best places in NYC because no matter which borough you’re from everyone goes to Central Park.

  85. ataraxiphile

    I heart Central Park 😀 Glad it’s the cheeriest place to be at!!

  86. Oh goodness…I’m not a New Yorker, I only get to visit once in a while – but what a great city, I can think of too many happy spots I would love to occupy regularly. I’ve been to other major cities in the US and around the world, but for me, New York takes the cake!

  87. Thanks for the little dose of the big apple!

  88. This is really cute! Perhaps the lower side is because of tourists stepping out of the buses and trains and being in awe at what they see. Or maybe the people coming out of a Broadway show. Either way, I can understand the peace and happiness from being in Central Park! 🙂

  89. ich0mp

    Reblogged this on Blue Books Life.

  90. I wish some one would do this same investigative journalism for San Francisco! Really cool post!

  91. This is really a good work. I appreciate your efforts behind that. Have a great day!

  92. Sounds like a great place to be

  93. Pingback: New York City's Happiest Location Found By Twitter -


    I’d bet you’re onto something worthwhile here! Seems to be psychologically based and simply the increased contentedness one feels when in close proximity to nature. It makes one want to happily tweet along with the birds being near all that lush greenery and seeing people in their leisure. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  95. calmyourbeans

    Reblogged this on calmyourbeans.

  96. i have to try this the next time i’m in NYC!

  97. jaya

    interesting work. I wish that there are this work for other cities 😀

  98. Anywhere you find a parking space ! (in da’Bronx)

  99. annisupertramp

    want to go sooo badly to New York. Greetings from the Netherlands!

  100. oooh I used to live so close to that super happy quota!! lol

  101. Reblogged this on 小曲子、小闫子、小张子、小郭子 and commented:
    This blog is very interesting! It’s our future!

  102. Great idea, fun and interesting, thanks.

  103. skinnyfattofit

    Very interesting. I am happiest between 6-8th ave and 14-22nd street in chelsea!

  104. I Love New York….my happiest place there is Central Park and Times Square. It’s also fun to visit New York during the Holidays.

  105. The happiest spot that you’ve spotted is a nice spot to stop and enjoy. But you can also be too happy to Tweet and that won’t get documented. Or you can be fully engaged with something else in some other spot, not necessarily “happy,” but fully satisfied, maybe better than happy, and, again, not Tweeting. But I get what you’re saying.

  106. Love your disclaimer, but a walk in the park is scientific enough for me

  107. Janet

    Central Park possesses some sort of magic that made even my shittiest days beautiful. No doubt there be truth in studying the tweets. Loved the charts.

  108. I can attest to this as an uptowner — I am much happier downtown :p

  109. Dunno – I quite like the Whitney Museum. Everyone there seems able to project notions of happiness – in a self-depreciating, post-modern sort of way I guess.

  110. not surprised at all by Central Park but def a very interesting study

  111. ontheblockmag

    Now I know why I felt so down a majority of this last weekend in the city….I never once visited Central Park.

  112. ontheblockmag

    Reblogged this on ontheblockmag and commented:
    This makes a lot of sense, especially when one has first hand experience.

  113. What a innovative research. Makes me Happy in my corner in the world-INDIA. Loved it.

  114. laconiccommentator

    Reblogged this on Laconic Commentator.

  115. Proves my theory – you can always find happiness anyway!

  116. Reblogged this on and commented:
    since im in NYC at the moment, I thought i’d share this very neat blog i ran across.

  117. I’m a picnic freak, so Central Park would be the place for me!

  118. Pingback: Happiest place in NYC. El lugar más feliz de NYC | más que verde

  119. Pingback: How’s life? Mapping Happiness | Place Management & Branding

  120. Pingback: איפה אתה מרגיש הכי מאושר? התשובה באפליקציה! « מיתוג ערים ומדינות

  121. craftingismybliss

    The happiest place for me in NYC is Broadway. A good show is the best.

  122. Happiest place for us in NYC this past weekend was at our booth at the Javits Center.
    Happiest place for me personally in NYC is at my parents house where I grew up.
    NYC is a place that never ceases to fascinate, inspire and dazzle the senses.
    What a COOL post!

  123. This is a really fun analysis. I’d love to rerun it for my own city – would you be willing to share the code you used?

  124. Pingback: Zoomple Share: My Favorites – Central Park «

  125. This was extremely cool. Fun stuff. I was in NYC last week, in midtown visiting my friends who were in from Northern Ireland. Between the Affina and the Empire State Building it was very happy that day.

  126. Quite interesting!

  127. It’s true! The area of the park near the Natural History museum is a beautiful, happy spot.

  128. Pingback: » UWS Is Unofficial Home To The “Happiest Place In Manhattan”

  129. Pingback: Where is the happiest city in the USA? | Computational Story Lab

  130. Pingback: Question: Where is the happiest place in New York City? | Mufubus

  131. Pingback: What Is The Happiest City In America (According To Twitter)… | Irrelephant Journalism

  132. Pingback: Where is the happiest city in the USA? | eCompleXcity

  133. Pingback: Zoomple City Focus: New York – Central Park | Zoomple

  134. Pingback: happiness measurement in chicago | Data Model Prototype

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